Welcome to the "Six Sigma with R" book's companion website.
Here you will find resources and information about the book. Browse the sidebar.
Visit the section Chapters to find out more about or the book content.
Visit www.qualitycontrolwithr.com for the book's companion website for Quality Control with R. An ISO Standards Approach (Cano EL, Moguerza JM and Prieto M, 2015).
- 2016-03-24: SixSigma package has been updated to version 0.9-3, see the Updates section.
- 2016-03-21: New information for chapter 4 in section Errata is available.
- 2016-02-05: SixSigma package has been updated to version 0.9-2, see the Updates section.
- 2012-09-09: New section Chapters with links to abstracts and code.
- 2012-09-08: Added additional materials in the home page. New links in section Links.
2012-09-05: The
package has been updated at CRAN. See details in section Updates. - 2012-09-01: New information for chapter 12 in section Updates is available.
- 2012-09-01: New information for chapter 4 in section Errata is available.
- 2012-08-19: Website up and running.
Additional Materials
Book's front matter at Springer (pdf).
Book's back matter at Springer (pdf).

Cano EL (2012). “Six Sigma with R (Springer, 2012).” Presentación de libro (book presentation). Universidad Complutense, http://www.slideshare.net/emilopezcano/six-sigma-with-r.

Cano EL, Moguerza JM and Redchuk A (2012). “Teaching Six Sigma Quality with R.” Oral Presentation. 1st International Workshop on Teaching Decision Sciences and Technologies (Budapest, Hungary), http://conf.uni-obuda.hu/vrtuosi2012/13_vrtuosi2012.pdf.

Cano EL, Moguerza JM and Redchuk A (2012). “Using R for Statistical Training. An Application to Six Sigma Methodology for Process Improvement.” XXXIII Congreso Nacional de Estadistica e Investigacion Operativa (Madrid, Spain). Presentation by co-author, http://www.slideshare.net/emilopezcano/seio2012-six-sigmarslides.

Cano EL, Redchuk A and Moguerza JM (2011). “Six Sigma Quality using R: Tools and Training.” Oral Presentation. The Use R! Conference 2011 (Coventry, UK), http://www.slideshare.net/emilopezcano/six-sigma-quality-using-r-tools-and-training.

Cano EL (2011). “Six Sigma is Possible with R.” Lightning Talk. Use R! Conference 2011 (Coventry, UK), http://www.slideshare.net/emilopezcano/six-sigma-is-possible-with-r.